
Hi there!

Preparing the suitcase for LA! 🌴

Processed with VSCOcam with lv03 preset

So, as you may know, this Saturday starts Winter’s break! I’m going back to California to enjoy the warm weather and visit new places! I am so excited and I am talking all my photography set! My Canon 600D with the four different lens, the Pentax K1000 with black and white films and also the new flash, the new Instax mini 8 (a super gift by my friend Davy), the Lomography Fisheye, the Urban Outfitters vintage camera, the six filters polaroid, lens for my iPhone, a lot of memory cards so I can take bunch of videos and my favorite notebook to write everything I do and prepare my blog posts!

If you have any question about the material I use, just text me or send me an email or comment the post!


I can’t wait to take my bike again and go to the beach to see the perfect sunset of Santa Monica!

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